Kenny caught a flat in one of the creek crossings.
Scott took time to ponder what was wrong with his new ride.

I stuck around for awhile and got in an extra loop before meeting John, Steve, Michelle for a ride at 4. After a quick pass of the Green, we were joined by the masterminds behind the Lakeview trails, Joel and Eric. Another lap of the blue then red then green again had us riding until almost sunset.
Couldn't imagine a better way to spend a day off from work at the beginning of Spring. Stay tuned for impressions of the Turner. Just want to get a few more rides in before reporting anything in detail but the first impressions are L-O-V-E the bike. Tires have to go! Three words - MAXXIS HIGH ROLLER.
Couldn't imagine a better way to spend a day off from work at the beginning of Spring. Stay tuned for impressions of the Turner. Just want to get a few more rides in before reporting anything in detail but the first impressions are L-O-V-E the bike. Tires have to go! Three words - MAXXIS HIGH ROLLER.