Knowing that I had Tuesday off from work, I decided to get more "dirty" miles in before the Hilbert Enduro this coming Sunday. Met up with Scott at the Qualla lot for some PSP fun!

We were then met up with by Winky. That's one crazy cat! Swam two miles before meeting up with us for another 15 or so miles on the bike.

Before I knew it Travis, Taylor and Richard were coming around the bend as well. Group was starting to grow! I have to admit I have been missing the company of group rides as of late. Too many solo road rides will do that I suppose.

Somehow while on the blue we spilt up into 2 groups. I think Richard and Winky decided to hit Lil West Va. Scott called it a day and then Julian joined the group. Travis, Julian, and I went and played on the red for a bit. Then headed over to Lakeview where my day would soon be ended.
Got over to Lakeview and with the first creek crossing came a loud thud. For one reason or another ended up stopping at the top of the following climb. That's when Travis pointed and asked "Yo dude you normally roll like that?!"

Turned down the offer of a new tube from the other guys. Knowing full well I had yet to repack the tools needed to pull the back wheel off and get it tensioned again. I started the well deserved walk out. A 3-4 mile trek in mtb shoes will do wonders for those who forget to pack their tools.