Headed out to the Scout Camp once again this past Saturday. Plan was to try to get in 4 laps, two on the BUSS and two on the Turner. Plans do not always go the way they are scripted. Forgot to pack a pair of riding shorts and since I drove almost 40 minutes to get out there decided to rock the khaki shorts.
The first lap was on the BUSS - 45 minutes. Changed bikes for laps two and three. It was freakishly weird to jump off a SS and onto a full suspension bike. Took the entire lap to get accustomed to sitting. Lap two time was 20 seconds faster than the first. Stopped by the car to refill the good ole water bottles. Wait fill it with what?! I left the gatorade in the refridgerator. F! Went out for a third lap but decided I would take it easy and just take in the lovely scenery. Took a few pics so you could as well. Enjoy!