First Post of 2009

So it's seven days into the new year and I thought it was about time for me to make my first post of the year. Hope everyone had a nice fun filled time with their families over the holidays. I know Jenn and I did!

I have never been one to make resolutions for New Year's and I am not going to start this year. I have however been known to set a few goals I would like to accomplish each year and this year is no different.

With having to save money so Jenn and I can afford to get out to my sister's wedding this summer and also having to pay for our own wedding and honeymoon, I told Jenn I had made up my mind not race once again this year. She tried to talk me into doing a few of the bigger races but I told her I would have to respectfully decline as I had already come up with my next big list of stupid s*** I would like to attempt this year. She got nervous when I explained the list. And probably rightfully so. Here's the list for 2009:
Jenn is a bit weary of the amount of time I will have to be on the bike training to get myself back into shape but is being very supportive. I will be getting in most of my harder rides on Fridays (usually my day off) and my easier rides with our Team in Training group. Which by the way you all should donate!

But for now I am off to install a new heart rate monitor on the bike so I can get an idea of just how bad this training is going to hurt.