Come and Gone

Another two days have come and gone.  I haven't done anything worthy of writing about unless you consider stuffing my face constantly with a small hope my hunger will subside.  Today starts another day with no physical activity on the books unless I go for a late night run in the middle of the night in the Sunshine State.  Don't confuse it with the place the sun don't shine which is actually a small town in the Sunshine State.

The next week hopes to be a relaxing one with Jenn running a half marathon Saturday morning.  A few days inside the Disney parks and a few more days of doing who knows what.  I am taking my running shoes and watch with me in hopes of burning a few calories so I don't come back with the extra luggage I so graciously donated when we did our Spring cleaning a couple weeks back.  Praying my hip won't flare up and I'll be able to do more than one without ruining the rest of the week.  Stay tuned for pictures and such.  I'm sure I will take some at some point, maybe.