The Capitol to Capitol century better known as the
Cap2Cap has been a staple for many riders in the Central Va region for years. Starting in Williamsburg or Richmond, the terrain is the same gorgeous scenery and flat roads. Whether it be in the 15, 25, 50 or 100 mile option, it's a great opportunity for riders to test their Spring legs with what sometimes is a personal "record" for distance. This year I would ride with my father-in-law who wanted to take his first attempt at doing just that for the 100 mile ride.
Dane, Ken and I before the start |
There was some worry in the days leading up to the ride about the weather which included a high chance of rain. The exact opposite of that occurred and Mother Nature blessed us with a cool to warm partly cloudy day for us to enjoy.
After the first few feedzones, the groups thinned out which allowed us to go about our business of enjoying the ride for both the scenery and company of the friends you are riding with. We would make it down to the turn around a few minutes shy of 2.5 hours. There Ken and Dane refilled bottles while I waited for a port-a-potty to open up. Based on the amount of time I had to wait, I was extremely nervous to enter not knowing what kind of biohazard would smack me in the face as I opened the door. Somehow I survived without the use of a mask and we were back on the road again.

The return trip home was very similar to the trip down to Williamsburg, with the exception of a slight headwind and cramps developing in Ken's legs. At the next feedzone, I stuffed my pocket full of bananas as the volunteers looked at me as if I was part orangutan. We got back on the road where I would launch an offensive in the Battle of Ken's Cramps. First I gave him a Green Apple flavored powergel. The look on his face was priceless as he tried to choke down the gel. There I learned where Jenn got her dislike for food based on texture from and it wasn't from her momma.
I clearly need to clean my camera lens |
Close to twenty minutes later, I reached into my pocket full of bananas and handed him one. The second time I handed him one he argued that he didn't like bananas. He ate it anyway. The cramps retreated for awhile before making their last stand about 20 miles from the finish. Like a good son-in-law, I reached into my other pocket which was full of powergels and grabbed a raspberry gel and handed it to him. Because, I know and appreciate that my crew lies to me to keep me motivated to eat and moving forward during the longer races, I did just that for him. "This one is good, I promise", I stated. Like a trooper, he sucked it down with the same look on his face. There the Battle of Ken's Cramps was won as we would soon arrive back to Rockett's Landing with his first century under his belt.
Five years ago, I had the opportunity and pleasure to ride with Jenn in her first century. Congratulations Ken and thank you for letting me have the privilege of riding with you for yours!