Two weeks past, I got word that I would once again be lucky enough to be considered as part of Powerbar's Team Elite. I was very excited to hear the news as Powerbar is amazing at taking care of their athletes. As part of being on the team, they make available an endless amount of nutritional and training articles. You can also test and become a certified Nutrition Pro through them which means you can then host nutrition clinics. Well I took it and passed it.
If I could I would wear this like a sheriff's badge

Well all know, I have notoriously been a huge hypocrite when it comes to nutrition. I can talk about it in an educated manner all day long, but when it comes time to put the plan into action, I usually fall terribly short. In the past month or so, I have been trying to hone the on the bike nutrition in because Jenn had planted an idea in my head that I could still do certain things. What were they you ask? One was ride my bike, for very long periods of time. I have been ENJOYING being on the bike all year so much so, I usually put it before the household duties most of the time. Hopefully, all the time I have spent in the saddle combined with actually eating on the bike will help me pass my next test...